
For the Point request, you can use any longitude and latitude you want inside the valid geographic area (se the Corner points table below, or the Polygon request). If the point is outside of the valid are, you will get a HTTP 400 - FIELD POINT OUT OF BOUNDS. The longitude and latitude can be specified as integer or floating point with up to six decimal places. Otherwise the API will return HTTP 404 - Not found.

Corner points (longitude,latitude)
SW 2.250475,52.500440
SE 27.348870,52.547483
NE 37.848053,70.740996
NW -8.541278,70.655722


You can get the bounding box polygon for the forecast area. You get the answer as a GeoJSON Polygon .

GET /api/category/{category}/version/{version}/geotype/polygon.json
Category For now, there are one category for the API, pmp3g.
Version When the API for a given category is changed, the version is increased. Old versions will be available for a limited time.


You can get all the grid points for the forecast area. You get the answer as a GeoJSON MultiPoint . The index for each point matches the index in the value array from the MultiPoint request.

The query parameter downsample allows an integer between 0-20. A downsample value of 2 means that every other value horizontally and vertically is displayed.

NB! The answer is static and will not change for the given category and version .

NB! Your client must accept encoding GZIP. Otherwise you will get a HTTP 406 error.

GET /api/category/{category}/version/{version}/geotype/multipoint.json?downsample=2
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Category For now, there are one category for the API, pmp3g.
Version When the API for a given category is changed, the version is increased. Old versions will be available for a limited time.