Get Point Analysis

Returns historical data for a single latitude-longitude coordinate.

GET /api/category/{category}/version/{version}/geotype/point/lon/{longitude}/lat/{latitude}/parameter/{parameter}/data.json?from={from}&to={to}&interval={interval}
Category For now, there is only one category for the API, strang1g.
Version When the API for a given category is changed, the version is increased. Old versions will be available for a limited time. The current version is 1.
Longitude The longitude for were you want to get the data.
Latitude The latitude for were you want to get the data.
Parameter The parameter to get.
From Get data starting from this date time.
To Get data up until this date time.
Interval The aggregation interval to use. Valid values are hourly, daily and monthly.

The data is returned as mediatype application/json ( JSON ). The JSON-result is an array of objects where each object contains the key value that stores the parameter value (a float) and the key date_time that stores the value's date time (a RFC3339 formatted date time).

The latitude and longitude specifies the target coordinate. The values returned in the response are the result of a linear interpolation with the four closest data points of the given coordinate.

The query parameters from and to are optional. If from is specified but not to, all available data after from is returned. If to is specified but not from, all data from the start up until to is returned. If neither is specified data for the last 24 hours is returned.

The query parameter interval is optional. If interval is not specified the hourly interval is used. If the interval is daily/monthly the values in the response are added together to form one value for each day/month in the in the range from-to.

The date time format for from and to query parameters is RFC3339, but always in UTC. For example 2020-01-02T10:00:00Z. It may also be specified without the time part (2020-01-02) in which case the time is set to 00:00. It can be further simplified by removing the second, minute or hour parts (which are all set to 0), and the day part (which is set to 1) as well as the hyphens and colons. For example, 2020010211 gets parsed to 2020-01-02T11:00:00Z.


GET /api/category/strang1g/version/1/geotype/point/lon/16.158/lat/58.5812/parameter/118/data.json?from=2020-02-01&to=2020-02-02