
SMHI provides daily forecasts to the general public and societal functions and issues warnings when faced with severe weather events. SMHIs weather warnings are impact based. Impact based weather warnings are designed to let people, businesses, emergency responders and governments know what weather is in store and what the impacts of that weather may be.

More information about impact based weather warnings.

Functionality for CAP, version 1.2, is also provided.

The entry point for the API is https://opendata-download-warnings.smhi.se/ibww/api/version/1.json.

You can get some test warnings at https://opendata-download-warnings.smhi.se/ibww/test/test_2.json. You can use test_1, test_2, test_3, test_4 and test_5. For more information about the test warnings, see the warnings example page.


The API also provides the CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) standard. You can get more information about the standard.

Reference System

Data uses Reference system (coordinate system) WGS84, World Geodetic System 1984 (EPSG:4326), the standard according to CAP.
The unit is decimal degrees.


SMHI Open Data API is published under these Terms and conditions.


Questions or inquiries can be sent to: opendata-support@smhi.se.