Basic Info

To get some basic info about all available parameters, use the following request, What you get is the parameter name, leveltype, level and unit for all parameters.

GET /api/category/fwif1g/version/{version}/{period}/parameter.json
Version When the API for a given category is changed, the version is increased. Old versions will be available for a limited time.
Period There are two periods available, hourly for hourly data and daily for daily data.
name levelType level unit
fwiindex hl 0 Numeric
fwi hl 0 Numeric
isi hl 0 Numeric
bui hl 0 Numeric
ffmc hl 0 Numeric
dmc hl 0 Numeric
dc hl 0 Numeric
grassfire hl 0 Numeric
rn hl 0 m/minut
forestdry hl 0 Numeric
t hl 2 Cel
wd hl 10 degree
ws hl 10 m/s
r hl 2 percent
prec24h hl 0 mm


FWI-index consist of six different classes based on FWI and is used to communicate to the public.
Id text FWI Swedish legend
6 Extremely high risk (FWI ≥ 28) 5E Extremt stor risk
5 Very high risk (FWI ≥ 22 & FWI < 28) 5 Mycket stor risk
4 High risk (FWI ≥ 17 & FWI < 22) 4 Stor risk
3 Moderate risk (FWI ≥ 11 & FWI < 17) 3 Måttlig risk
2 Low risk (FWI ≥ 5 & FWI < 11) 2 Liten risk
1 Very low risk (FWI < 5) 1 Mycket liten risk
-1 Data missing - -


The Fire Weather Index (FWI) describes how the fire behaves, calculated from a combination of ISI and BUI.


The Initial Spread Index (ISI) describes the expected rate of fire spread. Calculated from a combination of FFMC and wind speed. A low value indicates low rate of spread and high values indicates high rate of spread.


The Build Up Index (BUI) is calculated as a weighted mean of DMC and DC, and indicates the total amount of fuel available for the fire. A high value indicates that a big part of the fuel will be available for the fire. The scale has no upper limit but values over 150 is rare in Sweden.


The Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) describes moisture content in the dead fine fuel, for example litter, needles and the upper part of the moss layer. FFMC is calculated from previous days FFMC, temperature, wind speed, relative humidity at 12 UTC and 24 hours accumulated precipitation for the period 18-18 UTC, The depth of this layer is about 1 cm and the maximum rain capacity is less than 1 mm. A low value indicates high moisture content and a high value indicates low moisture content. The scale goes from 0 to 101.


The Duff Moisture Code (DMC) describes moisture content of loosely compact organic layers of moderate depth, for example the whole moss layer and the upper part of the humus layer. DMC is calculated from previous days DMC, temperature, relative humidity at 12 UTC and 24 hours accumulated precipitation for the period 18-18 UTC, The depth of this layer is about 7 cm and the maximum rain capacity is about 15 mm. A low value indicates high moisture content and a high value indicates dry condition in this layer. The scale in Sweden normally goes from 0 to 150 but has no upper limit.


The Drought Code (DC) describes moisture content of deep compact organic layers. DC is calculated from previous days DC, temperature at 12 UTC and 24 hours accumulated precipitation for the period 18-18 UTC, The depth of this layer is about 20 cm and the maximum rain capacity is about 100 mm. A low value indicates high moisture content and a high value indicates dry condition in this layer. The scale has no upper limit but values over 600 is rare in Sweden, it only occurs in late summer after a really dry long period.


Describes the highest grass fire risk(danger) according to the grass fire model on daily basis in the dead grass from last year. From potential rate of spread and the progressive growth of new grass the grass fire risk(danger) are divided into four different classes:

Id text Rn (m/min) Swedish legend
6 Very high Rn>25 Mycket stor
5 High Rn>15 & Rn≤25 Stor
4 Moderate Rn>5 & Rn≤15 Måttlig
3 Low Rn≤5 Låg
2 Grass fire season over Gräsbrandssäsongen slut
1 Snow cover Snötäckt mark
-1 Data missing/outside season Data saknas/Ej säsong


Rn describes the potential rate of spread (m/minut) of uncut, un-grazed, natural grass from last year and also take into account the growth of new grass. Here the value of Rn represents the value according to the grass fire model on daily basis.


Means fuel drying (in Swedish “Bränsleuttorkning”) and is a measure of the available water amount in the fuel. It consist of six different classes

Id text Swedish legend
6 Extremely dry 5E Extremt torrt
5 Very dry 5 Mycket torrt
4 Dry 4 Tort
3 Moderate wet 3 Måttlig blött
2 Wet 2 Blött
1 Very wet 1 Mycket blött
-1 Data missing -


Temperature, 2 meter above the ground, at 12 UTC.


Wind direction, 10 meter above the ground, at 12 UTC.


Wind speed, 10 meter above the ground, at 12 UTC.


Relative humidity, 2 meter above the ground, at 12 UTC.


24 hours accumulated precipitation for the period 18-18 UTC.

name levelType level unit
fwiindex hl 0 Numeric
fwi hl 0 Numeric
isi hl 0 Numeric
bui hl 0 Numeric
ffmc hl 0 Numeric
dmc hl 0 Numeric
dc hl 0 Numeric
grassfire hl 0 Numeric
rn hl 0 m/minut
GLirr hl 0 W/m2
t hl 2 Cel
wd hl 10 degree
ws hl 10 m/s
r hl 2 percent
prec1h hl 0 mm


FWI-index consist of six different classes based on FWI for each hour.
Id text FWI Swedish legend
6 Extremely high risk (FWI ≥ 28) 5E Extremt stor risk
5 Very high risk (FWI ≥ 22 & FWI < 28) 5 Mycket stor risk
4 High risk (FWI ≥ 17 & FWI < 22) 4 Stor risk
3 Moderate risk (FWI ≥ 11 & FWI < 17) 3 Måttlig risk
2 Low risk (FWI ≥ 5 & FWI < 11) 2 Liten risk
1 Very low risk (FWI < 5) 1 Mycket liten risk
-1 Data missing/outside season - Data saknas/Ej säsong


The Fire Weather Index (FWI) describes how the fire behaves, calculated from a combination of ISI and BUI for each hour.


The Initial Spread Index (ISI) describes the expected rate of fire spread for each hour. Calculated from a combination of FFMC and wind speed for each hour. A low value indicates low rate of spread and high values indicates high rate of spread.


The Build Up Index (BUI) is calculated as a weighted mean of DMC and DC, and indicates the total amount of fuel available for the fire. A high value indicates that a big part of the fuel will be available for the fire. The scale has no upper limit but values over 150 is rare in Sweden. BUI does not vary significantly during the day so the value comes from the daily calculation.


The Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) describes moisture content in the dead fine fuel for each hour, for example litter, needles and the upper part of the moss layer. FFMC is calculated from previous hours FFMC, temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and 1 hours accumulated precipitation for each hour. The depth of this layer is about 1 cm and the maximum rain capacity is less than 1 mm. A low value indicates high moisture content and a high value indicates low moisture content. The scale goes from 0 to 101. A small adjustment has also been done, since users experienced that the differences compared to the daily calculation was too large, especially in case with high ffmc. For each day a correction factor is calculated as the difference between daily ffmc and hourly ffmc at 14 UTC. If the difference is larger than ±5 the correction is set to ±5. When the current ffmc, ffmc at 14 UTC and the daily ffmc is larger than 75 the correction is made, otherwise nothing is done. When the correction is made for ffmc it also effects ISI and FWI.


The Duff Moisture Code (DMC) describes moisture content of loosely compact organic layers of moderate depth, for example the whole moss layer and the upper part of the humus layer. The depth of this layer is about 7 cm and the maximum rain capacity is about 15 mm. A low value indicates high moisture content and a high value indicates dry condition in this layer. The scale in Sweden normally goes from 0 to 150 but has no upper limit. DMC does not vary significantly during the day so the value comes from the daily calculation.


The Drought Code (DC) describes moisture content of deep compact organic layers. The depth of this layer is about 20 cm and the maximum rain capacity is about 100 mm. A low value indicates high moisture content and a high value indicates dry condition in this layer. The scale has no upper limit but values over 600 is rare in Sweden, it only occurs in late summer after a really dry long period. DC does not vary significantly during the day so the value comes from the daily calculation.


Describes the grass fire risk(danger) in the dead grass from last year. From potential rate of spread and the progressive growth of new grass for each hour the grass fire risk(danger) are divided into four different classes:

Id text Rn (m/min) Swedish legend
6 Very high Rn>25 Mycket stor
5 High Rn>15 & Rn≤25 Stor
4 Moderate Rn>5 & Rn≤15 Måttlig
3 Low Rn≤5 Låg
2 Grass fire season over Gräsbrandssäsongen slut
1 Snow cover Snötäckt mark
-1 Data missing/outside season Data saknas/Ej säsong


Rn describes the potential rate of spread (m/minut) of uncut, un-grazed, natural grass from last year and also take into account the growth of new grass.


Global irradiance per hour (W/m2).


Temperature, 2 meter above the ground for each hour.


Wind direction, 10 meter above the ground for each hour.


Wind speed, 10 meter above the ground for each hour.


Relative humidity, 2 meter above the ground for each hour.


1 hours accumulated precipitation for each hour.