NB: Vesion 2 of this API has been released. Please upgrade to that. Version 1 will be discontinued on may 1, 2020.
This documentation only covers version 2.


There are two schema files available to download that are both needed to consume the API.


There are a couple of generic types used by many resources. They use the namespace https://opendata.smhi.se/xsd/portal_v2.xsd.

linkType and linksType

A linkType represents a link to another resource. It consist of:

  • rel - the mediatype of the target resource ( application/xml )
  • type - the xsd type of the target resource ( parameter )
  • href - the url to the target resource ( https://opendata-download-ocobs.smhi.se/api )

A linksType represents a set of linkType with additional information. This information contains a title to describe the resource, a summary for extra description and updated which represents the last time the target resource, or underlying subresources, was updated. This can be useful to deside if data is stale or not without traversing down to the actual data. The linksType is used to represent the next level. For instance the Category type uses a list of linksType to represent all the Versions available. The linkType in this case refers to the different Versions in different formats.

Besides links to the same resource or the next resource in different formats, linkType are also used to refer to other useful resources. Here are some examples.

  • Parent resources
  • Metadata rel="iso19139"
  • Codes rel="codes". This linkType is available in the Versions listing of all the Parameters and also in the Parameter and Data resource itself.

geoBox and geoLinksType

geoBox represents an area of interest devided by minLatitude , maxLatitude , minLongitude and maxLongitude .

The geoLinksType is a regular linksType but with an additional geoBox .


category and version

The category and version types are used for versioning. The version element in category links to the different versions of the API that can be used. Versions are incremented when changes are made to the API. There is one special version called latest . This version is virtual and always points to the latest version of the API. It is not recomended to use this in any application as it might be redirected without notice. Instead try to use the version with the highest number as these do not change. Older versions will be deprecated and only maintained for a couple of months.

The version type contains links to all available specifications published.



The rest of the types are versioned and uses the namespace https://opendata.smhi.se/xsd/hydrography_v1.xsd . Common to these main types are

  • key - resource identifier
  • title - the name of the resource
  • summary - description of the resource
They also contains link to other resources such as to themself in other mediatypes and more specific links to the next level.

hydrographySpecification, hydrographyRegion and hydrographyLinksType

hydrographySpecification represents a hydrographic specification. It contains hydrographyRegion if the specification has any region files and it contains hydrographyLinksType to all hydrographyElement that has data for the specific specification. Beside the usual linksType information these links also contains the name of the target drainage basin.



hydrographyElement represents a Drainage Basin or Dam or Weir. It contains hydrographyLinksType to all the available reference systems for the specific specification and element. Beside the usual linksType information these links also contains the name of the target reference system.
