NB: Vesion 2 of this API has been released. Please upgrade to that. Version 1 will be discontinued on may 1, 2020.
This documentation only covers version 2.


This level represents a Specification in the API. It contains a list of available Regions and Drainage Basins. A Region contains links to Hydrography Elements for the entire Region. The Drainage Basins contains data for that specific Drainage Basins.

GET /api/version/{version}/spec/{spec}.{ext}


{spec} One of two Specifications. Valid values are svs-hyp or inspire-hyp. Follow the links to get to the XSD-files for Swedish Water Standard (svs-hyp) and Inspire - Hydro Physical Waters (inspire-hyp).
{version} Numeric value or latest. Try to use the Version with the highest number instead of the Version titled latest.
{ext} The suffix specifying which mediatype to use. See mediatypes for more information.


Example request and response for the Specifications level in different mediatypes. This response in not complete for the sake of readability.

GET /api/version/2.0/spec/svs-hyp.atom

GET /api/version/2.0/spec/svs-hyp.xml

GET /api/version/2.0/spec/svs-hyp.json