
Applications that want to benefit from SMHI Open Data Hydrological Observations can use this service to retrieve data. The service is constructed as a REST API for easy access. The Entry point is located at https://opendata-download-hydroobs.smhi.se/api. From here a client can traverse down by following links through the levels until a specific data resource is available. The structure is made up by the following levels. Apart from links to the different levels, there are also links to metadata and other useful resources.

All dates in the JSON answers are in Unix time stamp.

Category This is the entry point of the API. Here you get a collection of links to different Versions of the API.
Version Information about the Version. Here you get a collection of links to different Parameters that the API exposes.
Parameter Information about the Parameter and a collection of links to different Stations this Parameter gets it's data from.
Station Information about the Station and links to the different Periods for which there is Data.
Station Set Information about the Station Set and links to the different Periods for which there is Data.
Period Information about the Period and links to the Data itself.
Data The actual Data.

For more information about how to interact with the API, see Common and Schemas for general information and the pages under Resources for more specific information, or have a look at Examples to get started.


Measuring stations

The stations in the API can belong to SMHI CORE network. All stations in the CORE network are monitored, inspected and maintained by SMHI. Values reported from CORE stations are quality checked and corrected.

Stations that does not belong to the CORE network are marked as ADDITIONAL. Values reported from these stations are not quality checked and the stations are not inspected by SMHI.

To filter out on specific type of measuring stations, at Parameter level, the query parameter measuringStations can be used. See Parameter query parameters

The same query parameter can be used for station-set when getting the data


SMHI Open Data API is published under these Terms and conditions.


Questions or inquiries can be sent to: opendata-support@smhi.se.