
Applications (or end point users) that want to benefit from SMHI Open Data Lightning can use this service to retrieve map image files. The service is constructed as a REST API for easy access. The Entry point is located at https://opendata-download-lightning.smhi.se/api. From here a client can traverse down by following links through the levels until a specific data resource is available. The structure is made up by the following levels. Apart from links to the different levels, there are also links to metadata and other useful resources.

All dates in the JSON answers are in Unix time stamp.

Category This is the entry point of the API. Here you get a collection of links to different Versions of the API.
Version Information about the Version. Here you get collections of links to different Years.
Year Information about the Year and collections of links to different Months in the selected Year
Month Information about a Month and collections of links to different Days in the selected Month
Day Information about the Day and links to the different Data files.
Data The actual Data as shapefiles in ziparchive.

The end result of a data query is a series of files: a compilation image file of the past week, a image file showing the cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic sea and text summaries of the bloom situation both in english and swedish.

For more information about how to interact with the API, see Common and Schemas for general information and the pages under Resources for more specific information, or have a look at Demo to get started.

Reference System

The used reference system (coordinate system) is WGS84, World Geodetic System 1984 (EPSG:4326). This means that the coordinates of the data are expressed as latitude and longitude. The unit is decimal degress.


SMHI Open Data API is published under these Terms and conditions.


Questions or inquiries can be sent to: opendata-support@smhi.se.